Your issue is simply this...
you "hate" women because you are frustrated you aren't getting what you want from them.
you want "love" or "sex" or "friendship"...whatever.
but for some reason or another, either you can't initially get what you want. or if you can't continue it.
well, welcome to the real world...most people are this way.
and believe it or not, it's irrelevant whether it's a man or a woman,
or you are a man or a woman
straight, bi,, woman/woman, man/man.
You are always going to be frustrated by the person you are attracted to.
And you are translating this into "hate" for the whole gender.
You are giving them this "power".
If you learn that you are just dealing with another person
who has their own agenda, likes & desires.
This person just happens to be a woman that you're attracted to.
Would you let a man, have this kind of "power" over you?
Relax, don't put them in a "special" place, on a pedistal.
No matter what bullshit they tell you or have told you in the past.
Treat them as a person, as a friend...not something to attain.
Yes, pay attention to them...but pay attention to them as a friend.
Compliment them as a friend...etc, etc.
The sex will come when it comes, the relationship will come when it comes, the love will come when it comes.
And if it doesn't...bad luck...pick yourself up...and start over.
Just like we ALL have to do...both men & women.
Don't "hate" a gender, don't give a gender "power"
Because EVERYONE has to deal with idiots & assholes of EITHER gender.
Neither gender has power over the other,
unless you GIVE them that power.
It's up to you to have the confidence to surpass this.
And with this confidence, you will find your luck changing.