Originally posted by constant
Would you rather be considered as equals to men in everything and lose the "sex object" tag that most men place on you or would you rather keep your female sexuality and the immense power that comes with it?
It seemed the best place to start was with your original question since the following posts get a tad bit convoluted.
I'm not a woman so you can take my answer how you like but you have essentially blown off their answers so let me try.
The immense power you speak of is strictly an illusion based on a society that is hopelessly schizophrenic as to how it values woman.
We supposedly value motherhood and yet we accuse woman who stay home with their children as being nonproductive (read welfare reform).
Woman are the primary targets of rape, domestic violence, being used as prostitutes, slave labor, and the target of physical and emotional abuse. (Don't even get into how it happens to men too, the percentages are negligible in comparison).
Rather then deal with these problems, woman are blamed for them.
That hardly seems like power to me.
The differences you point out between men and woman are largely artificial.
My mother was a volunteer fire fighter who could hold a hose and swing an ax with the best of men.
She didn't give up her sexuality to be able to accomplish that, just had the determination it took to accomplish the given task.
I also know men who work with blind and deaf children who are as loving, caring, and sensitive to the children's needs.
These are men who play football and scratch when they itch.
These are not random samplings but consistent with all the people I have met.
In the long run equality will only be accomplished when people stop trying to make woman out to be sexual controlling and objects.
We will be a better society when everybody is viewed as an individual with strengths and weaknesses that have nothing to do with gender, race, religion, or sexual preference.