Let me see if I understand this... You are saying that women have more sexual power and men have more of everything else?
On the sexual side, men can have a lot more sexual power in relationships if they learn certain emotional skills. See my post in another thread
http://tfproject.org/tfp/showthread....095#post547095 BTW: read the whole thread.
On the other side of things, constant, physical strength is becoming less and less important as time goes on. Most power today derives from money and making money is most easily achieved by using a combination of education, intelligence and chutzpah.
Academically, the current generation of girls/women (below the age of about 24) outclass boys/men across the board. Ask any college recruiter and they will tell you that it is a real problem finding qualified male applicants to try to keep a gender balance.
Why? Because for the past thirty years, women have been working hard to try to overcome the physical and social barriers that have prevented girls from achieving. It used to be said that girls were weaker in mathmatics and engineering. Not true anymore. The current generation of women (i.e. the ones your age) are filling engineering classrooms because... their mothers and teachers told them that it was OK for them to do it.
Those differences in brain structure you talk about are not necessarily an impediment *and* some of them are actually the *result* of learning skills.
Today, an intelligent girl has a leg up over her male classmates. There are women and girls (and even men) who will go out of their way to make it possible for her to get ahead in life, not by preventing male achievement but by assisting female achievement.
If men don't get off their behinds and do something soon, we will be facing a reverse gender power problem in another twenty years. What you guys need to do is to get boys to stop focusing on athletics and somehow make it "cool" for them to achieve academically.
Don't believe me? As I suggested above, try talking to a few college recruiters.
Now in my next post, I will actually answer your question...