Well....What got me here in the first place was the TB. Soon after I arrived people with less activity had been cut off from the TB, but I had posted enough in there and other forums to retain my TB privalege. This website has so many different forums that it is very hard to manage I would think. I also agree that there are enough forums that if someone honestly wanted to participate they will find a topic they are interested in. I owned a website not even half this size and it was a 24/7 job. Hal is very lucky to have the great Administrators and Moderators helping him or this would go to hell in a handbasket fast. Oh crap, sorry got off the subject.
IMHO: It would be next to impossible to weed out all the bandwith stealing leaches, mainly because when they are banned they can just come back with a different name and seek revenge of some kind.
My Idea: Have a list that pops up for the people that don't participate enough, maybe just a private message, that NICELY asks them to participate more and explaining to them that due to their lack of participation they are in danger of losing the privalige to continue membership here. I don't know what that ratio is, but it could be set to auto PM someone that isn't active in a set amount of time.
When I ran my website is was free membership, but participation was a must much like here. It took a long time to weed out the many leaches and end up with a great community. It even took longer to rebuild after an attack by hackers that didn't like being banned. That is the reason for it's demise. As we all know, a good website is usually word of mouth, then gets posted in some newsgroup somewhere and then all hell breaks lose. I say good luck to all involved in the rules process and thank all of you, members included, for making this such a great place to visit everyday.
I never said you had to.