I'd like to bring up a point that everyone here ON BOTH SIDES seems to be missing: why is marriage done in the first place?
Marriage is a public statement of who is a person's legal inheritor (outside of a will) and who is allowed within proscribed limits to act on a person's behalf (outside of a power of attorney). The "constraints of marriage" are dependent on the vows taken at the ceremony, nothing more. "God" is supposed to be a witness to the ceremony, any active participation by "God" is dependent on the vows taken.
Kids? Children can be had with or without marriage, thousands of "illegitimate" children are born every day ; and thousands of people are married without children. Marriage only establishes the child's legitimacy as an inheritor to the father's property.
Family stability? That depends on the people involved, not whether or not there is a legal contract binding them together. Day-to-day experience should tell you that.
As it is now, gay couples can be the exact equivalent of being married. They need interlocking wills and powers of attorney, but it's done every day. The only thing lacking is the public recognition.
The insurance matter, as was pointed out, is just a matter of one company deciding to go after the gay market and everyone else playing "follow the leader", as companies are want to do.
If gay couples want to pay The Marriage Penalty like hetero couples currently do, let them. More revenue without raising taxes; sounds like a plan to me.
Natural? "Natural" is a term used by those who refuse to examine a prejudice, regardless of the value of the prejudice.
For example, forty years ago it was considered unnatural for any organ of a person to be moved into another person's body. Now, it's not only natural, but many of the same churches that protested organs transplants initially now help raise funds for some member to get an organ transplant.
Another example? In 1775, it was unnatural to think that people could rule themselves; the only "natural" way was to be ruled by a monarch who had a "Divine Right" to rule. Now we're trying to spread this idea throughout the Middle East and Asia as the "only natural human government".
Once rank prejudices against a social issue are broken down, it becomes "natural". Gay marriage will be one of those issues within the next 50 years.
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