My team is also the Miami dolphins.
I either expect the superbowl, or not even the playoffs.
Indeed, on paper this time is phenomenal. On all the games they are like tied for first simply because u cant deny individual player's skills. But if a team doesnt click, individual skills can sometimes go to waste. Zach Thomas said it best "People call us a good team. We aren't. If you cant win big games, you arent a good team" he said that after we lost to the pats and missed out on the post season.
But late season curses aside, this should be a great team. Im not worried about a quarterback injury, because i think Griese is just about as good as Fiedler, plus we filled our QB injury quota last year. Ricky Williams is amazing, but even if he gets injured, Travis Minor will still put us on par with most teams. With Chambers, Gadsden, Thompson, etc, we have good receivers, but im worried about an injury there, as we saw last year the bench is pretty thin there. I would hate for any defensive injuries too
All in all, this team should be great, but as the dolphins have proved over and over, its bad to get your hopes up.