Wrong Jimmy4.
Terrorists do their actions FOR A REASON.
They do not go around killing people as a psycho might.
They do this for political gain - and terror is used as a tactic often in DESPERATION.
For instance, in the 70's, palestinian hijackers exploited situations in Israel with hostage situations to get the release of political prisoners.
now for instance, it is the actions of israel vs. palestine that have sparked revenge bombings
You people are getting blured between psychos and terrorists. A terrorist to one man can be a patriot to another. The British saw the Minutemen as being terrorists. THey saw George Washington as a terrorist, a rebel, a traitor. We see him as a patriot, a hero, a founding father.
They do these in desperation for a reason - now i'm not defending their actions, because they're using their zeal in the wrong fashion.
its true you cant make everyone happy but its wrong to say someone will always hate you - they won't if you put them at a parity or left them alone to solve their own issues.
America would never have been hit in the WTC if Osama didn't hate the U.S. - and why does he hate the U.S.? Obviously something we did that he felt we wronged him. Be it support of Israel or being anti-fundamentalist.
Iran had a wave of fundamentalism at the closing years of the 70's - why? They resented our support of the Shah of Iran.
They do these for reasons. If the U.S. was not involved in the Middle East, we wouldn't have these problems.
IMo the fact is, the U.S. doesn't like to admit its actions in the Middle East.
Think of hte 80's and the numerous U.S. involvements in countries they still deny to this day yet people have long come forth saying we were there. Actions to support dictators in Chile against the communists, actions in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and what not. Our own special forces were there telling people to execute "liberals."
Face it though, people don't like to admit we're wrong. Americans still see us as the country that has never lost a war or battle when it has.