Originally posted by docbungle
Of course we have free will. We can do whatever we want. How can there be any question? I am in control of my own life and every decision I make is my own decision, not that of a "higher power". Real life is not The Matrix.
We can't see the future, so I can't answer that part of the question.
Prove it.
Exercise free will.
Tel you what, I am going to order you to do something, and you will either do it (A), or not do it (B).
Touch your nose with your finger
Did you do it? More importantly did you exercise free will when you did it? How can you prove to me that your decison to do A or B, was nothing more than a rather elaborate case of stimulus: response?
You certainly percieve your free will, but how can you prove that it is genuine.
Lets try again, this time try to REALLY force your free will. Try to defy your stimulus:response impulse. Ready...
Place the palm of your hand on your forehead.
Did you do it? Did you exercise free will
that time?