Yeah, like everyone else says. Do take him to the vet and see if there's anything easy to be done that will make life better; treatment for arthritis, etc. If not, it may be time. Have a nice day or night with him first, if possible. If not possible, 'twere best done quickly and with love.
One thing: if the vet prescribes "heroic" medicine at this point -- some kind of major operation -- turn him/her down and go to some other vet in the future. It probably won't work, will bewilder your pet and make its last days painful, and will cost you a lot of $$$.
I'm kind of smarting right now because we just two days ago had a cat die in the vet's office after anaesthesia given for a tooth exam. He (a 17-year-old) had been incredibly healthy, but after a recent infection the vet convinced us that the best thing was to give him "the works" (all possible diagnostic tests). And he died.