Originally posted by Ierre Il
To sum up my rambles, which have a tendency to bury their own treasure (or at least, points) very deeply in manure,
1) You got my name wrong =P
2) You can make up any subjective meaning you want, if it makes you feel better. It's still an illusion.
3) Agnostics don't build up the illusion of believing they can disprove the existence of something, and are hence closer to the truth than atheists. They may also be closer to the truth than theists, but this is yet to be proved.
4) This life is meaningless. There might be more, and you CANNOT prove beyond doubt there isn't. You may as well look, and give all you have in looking if necessary, because eventually you will lose it all anyway.
5) If there is something more, it's worth finding, and if you sit in your comfortable atheism all your life, you will miss it, and lose the only thing you could have kept.
1) Sorry
2) Like I said, the meaning I make up is only meaningful to me. But in the absence of any absolute meaning, I have to take what I can get.
3) I don't think that I can disprove the existance of God. I acknowledge that my position can be neither proved or disproved, ever. But at least I have chosen a side. In the absence of
proof, I have gone with balance of probability. You can't prove that there is or is not a God, but which do you consider more likely? Moreover, how can you comfortably live your life on the fence, not believing in anything at all? What framework do you use to determine your morals?
4) and 5) I do look. I have attended bible studies, and read texts on most of the major religions. Whenever I encounter adherents to a new religion, if they are willing, I sit down with them and learn about their beliefs. As yet, I simply have not found any that have convinced me.