Another snoop checking in.
Where I work occasionally we'll browse through the directories to make sure everything is on the up and up. Any huge porn or music collections and we notify the users about inappropriate use. It posted policy and we try to be subtle when we notify users. Unless something is really wrong and affecting operations it ends there. Nobody further up is notified. And it's only gone to HR for disciplinary action once that I've heard about in 5 years I worked for this company. I don't really like snooping around personal directories but I guess it comes with business. A lot of users can use a lot of resources and it costs somebody money and adds up.
At another very small business I worked at before it didn't matter. I wouldn't look unless someone they asked me to because they were having a problem. There was more then enough resources and the enviornment was such that nobody was really going to abuse anything or cause any trouble.
I know everyone doesn't work the whole time. Neither do I. I do what needs to be done. I don't want my actions to negatively effect somebody else or the company. But if there's extra time I'll goof off some too.