Depends on what you mean, really...I've had essays and book reviews see print, but I don't really think of that as published (they weren't really self-generated creative pieces). I've also had creative works published in tiny journals/zines, but that doesn't strike me as published, either (too small, maybe). What would you consider "published"?
I should point out that I don't think that something needs to be printed by a major magazine or book company to be "published"--the whole point of many zines/journals is to avoid the major presses in favor of the DIY approach, the point being that photocopied zines are just as legitimately literary as something put out by Random House. (More so, maybe.) It's all words on paper, ultimately. So if you want to publish something, there's probably a copy shop near you: have at it. You're as published as Stephen King, as far as I'm concerned; the difference is one of degree.