Originally posted by retg34
Preacher fans, there is a movie in the works and Gart Ennis is supposed to be doing the script. James Marsden (Cyclops from X-men and X2) is cast as Jesse Custer.Not my first pick, but we'll see.
Right on. Do you happen to know if this is confirmed or not? Last I heard, Ennis was having cold feet, but Kevin Smith wouldn't stop pestering him about it.
As for graphic novels, Preacher is just about the greatest story ever told, in my book. Sandman is great too. I'm really surprised no one has mentioned Kingdom Come and Dark Knight Returns...they're two more of my favorites. Planetary/Authority I get a big kick out of, and the first Planetary GNs story is a very enjoyable read. Mage (both The Hero Discovered and The Hero Defined) is another favorite, too bad it's looking like anoth 10+ year wait for the final part of the trilogy. Disney is in talks to make a movie of Mage, also.