Originally posted by MacGnG
so u are just going to default on the idea of choice. ok, fine. u can do that but i think thats a horrible existence.
'd much rather hope i have a choice than forfeit the entire concept.
First of all am I not defaulting on anything. I have laid out my argument against "Free Will" in this thread. I am not just assuming.
Second of all, I'm not interested in what makes me comfortable. i am interested in waht
did you choose not to accept that you have freewill? .... or did someone do that for you?
Like I said, when going against free will, I am really going against the idea of "magic", be it in the form of a God, a soul or an immaterial eidos.
I do make choices, and nothing forces me to make them, so in that sense, I guess there is no denying that I have free will.
I could use a computer as a metaphor for our brain. It makes choices, but there is nothing "magical" about its opperation.
(Having said that, I think it's important to realise that I am only using a computer as a
metaphor, not something that is strictly analogous. I believe that there are fundamental differences between the workings of our brain and a computer)