ok...good topic.
i use tampons with pads for backup. it's awesome cause if i work or something and can't get a bathroom break or if i'm like on a road trip i can go for the full 8 hours, while just one or the other would likely only do me for like 4. i don't trust those little liners, totally too small. at night i just use pads. i use always ultra thin with wings. if my dad brings home without wings i'll use them for the lighter days. i use to swear by playtex softcomfort tampons. my mom always had tampax but i found the cardboard to be too rough getting up there. likely didn't help that i was like 13 and nervous as hell...anyways, then i got to find that tampax wasn't so bad to get up but that it got longer and wouldn't hold enough for me. so i used the playtex for some time but soon found them not holding that much either. now i'm a die hard OB girl, no applicator. seriously, you see them and they're just so cute you can't resist. i gave one to my sister to try and she stuck it up her nose and laughed all night. i guess that's a bit off topic. anyways, i find that they hold more, cause i guess their selling point is that it expands to fit your contour. i'd buy that. it's the only tampon designed by a woman, so i'm all for that. i take a shower in the morning and clean as best i can and then it's usually not messy going in. and if you change them like right on time there's no real mess ever. and even if you're too late the mess isn't nearly as bad as i thought it would have been. i totally reccommend them to anyone. or just buy them and strick them up your nose. they are sooooo cute.
"When I look down I just miss all the good stuff. And when I look up I just trip over things"