Unless ordered by your supervisor, "most" IT ppl won't care one way or the other that you're not working. And while there are indeed computer literate users, there are much much MUCH more illiterate users. When I was the only IT guy in a small paper i HATED having to go wipe a system because someone decided they were going to dl most of the spyware in the known world, or even worse ( by company policy ) someone decided they liked the porn they were surfing so much they just HAD to save it to the drive, cache can be cleared, and company policy was "it could be renamed or saved elsewhere, so wipe the system. 2 hours of my time later I had the OS with all sw up and running and was typing out my email to the user informing him that all company machines are propery of the company and cannot be used to search and save explicit content. While I personally didn't object to the pictures, that is what HOME is for.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.