There is nothing very odd about your schedule - pretty close to what we went through, never easy. How the hell do you go to sleep so early? That is the weird thing! I don't have much time so this is what I would do:
Baby sleeps in nursery. Take turns with your wife being the one to get up to feed baby. This way you BOTH don't wake up every night and at least one of you can get a full night's sleep every other night. Have coffee at 4 or 5 PM so that you can stay up until 11:30 like a normal human. This way, you can actually be an adult and enjoy yourself after the kid goes to sleep. If breast feeding then the kid won't sleep through night for ages. We switched to formula after a few weeks and our babies (and all of us older coots who only had formula) are no worse for it. The formula lasts much longer between feedings. ONce he is 15 lbs. he should sleep through the night and they you will regain partial sanity. At that point you can give a few spoonfuls of rice cereal mixed with formula so the bulk will keep stomach full. No harm to this as long as the number of ounces of formula that the baby eats every day stays the same. My babies would make up the ounces in the AM farly fast.