"Consciousness Explained" by Daniel Dennett. Neat book, though better read in chunks than as a whole. Certain portions are incredible in that they give insight into what goes on 'behind the curtain' in your own brain/mind (there is a difference).
"Gateless Gate" ed. by Kuon Yamada. Amazing book for students of Zen Buddhism
"Siddharta Gautama" Herman Hesse, nuff said.
"Hero With a Thousand Faces" and "Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell.
"Beyond Good and Evil" and "Thus Spake Zarathrusta", Nietszche
Plato's "Republic" and his Socratic Dialogues.
Keith dig a pair of wonderful graphic novels (yes, comic books) on "Epicurus the Sage". It gave a tongue in cheek look at classical Greek philosophy and yet still taught some good lessons. It will, at the minimum, allow you toe recognize the difference between Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, etc. T%he second is not quite so amusing and deals more with classical Greek myth and religious beliefs, but it is still amusing.
:Hindu Philosophy and Thought" Pereira (I think, been a while).
I think I'll stop now...