Originally posted by GSRIDER
Be very very quiet....... SiN is in the vicinity
....be vewwy vewwy quiet, we hunting wabbits...
er...and dang it, i thought nobody would recognise me in this bunny costume..
/me hops out of the bushes...looks around...good, noone's watching...
i discreetly take off my bunny costume and hide it in the bushes for later use...
and what was i wearing under the bunny costume?...swimsuit, of course! ...
it was hot in that damn furry thing... /me needs a drink.
i wander over to the bar...shit, no bartender!...i look around, desperately seeking...refreshment...and a target for my tag, of course.
w00t, i see the perfect man for the job..over there, looking sharp, cool...intimidating. ph33r.
no matter tho, i'm on a mission...so i nonchalantly walk over to World's King, and say 'You are It.
*smile* oh, and we need a bartender for a bit, would you mind? pweese?"