So share your ramen experiences, eh?
We went on a backpacking trip that was going to be a five day trip...10 miles from the trailhead on day two, one of our campers got violently ill, and our camp site was infested by weird little bugs, and we decided to end the trip early. We decided there was no point in carrying back the food we'd brought for the last three days, so we sorted out what we needed for the trip home and put the rest of the food in a pile.
It just so happened that there were like six ramen packages in the pile...well, you just don't let that stuff go to waste. So we cracked them open (between the three of us we ate all six of them that night) and ate them like a biscuit...we just sprinkled all of the flavor packet on the noodle hunk and ate it. Still have good flavor memories from it, very salty, I've done it at home when I've been lazy a few times.
We ate so much junk that night...a can of cobbler mix, we started seeing who could eat the most gatorade powder without swigging was I young and stupid....