Originally posted by galaxygirl
HPV is not the only cause of cervical cancer.
That is the most important sentance I've seen so far, and it's very true. For some reason you are under the misguidance of HPV being the ONLY cause of cervical cancer. Cysts happen (much like shit does).
Finding a doctor that you are comfortable with can take a lot of time and patience and interviewing. Not just jumping right into an exam. I'm not saying it's easy. The first step, however, is asking friends and family about the doctors they go to. Asking about the good and bad. Then make an appointment to speak with one, not necessarily for a pelvic exam, but to sit and talk. Sometimes this eases fears.
I don't know where you are located in the world, but if you were in my location, I would have a handful of OB/GYN's to be able to send you to. And I could guarantee you wouldn't feel like a piece of meat on the slab.
Us ordinary women aren't owed an explanation of what's happening and why.
This is one of the main things that drives me to choose any doctor or dentist (or even my hairdresser, believe it or not). If you, as a professional, cannot tell me what you are doing while you are doing it (or just before) and why, then you are not going to be doing anything to me at all. I like to be informed, and I will question whether something is totally necessary. Imagine my doctor's surprise when I started questioning her about the coloscopy... but she told me beforehand the entire process, and then during it she explained everything just before it happened. It really did put my mind at ease.
This is the type of cooperation you need to find in a doctor. I found it. Other's have found it. You can find it, too. Seriously, don't skip these types of exams. You won't realize how important they really are until it's too late.