How to: Make Shirt Designs/ Make or alter clothing
There are some guys that make shirts that look like the slogans are just spray painted on white shirts. (the slogans are verses of songs).
Also I saw a simialr in this month's issue of Esquire. The guy had a button down oxford shirt with "Faith," "Hope," and etc etc on it. It looked like it has been sprayed on with spray paint (and a styncil).
How does one do this?
Is it washer dryer safe?
Any ideas on altering clothing. I like the alternative/ DIY/ punk look.
I look at stuff in the stores and say to myself that I could do much better cheaper, if I only new how.
Also, I'm a slender guy (that will help on the fassion tips).
Last edited by Randerolf; 08-21-2003 at 07:42 PM..