based on the date you listed as your b-day, your max heart rate is actually 182 bpm (max HR = 220-age). that's just an approximation. if you want to find out for sure, you'd have to get tested. as long as you exercise daily, that should be your #1 goal. i think the general wisdom is 60-70% of max. HR for weight loss, and 70-90% for cardio improvement (although any cardio will help). don't worry about what mode of exercise you do. just as long as your doing something. running is the best calorie burner (well, next to kick boxing i hear), but as long as you work your heart hard enough, you'll definatly improve it. also, make sure you get enough down time between sessions.
that's all i can think of right now, i'll post more later if i think of any other stuff that might be helpful.