Team: Miami Dolphins
Predictions - 12-4
Lets Just put it this way, i expect NOTHING less than a superbowl appearance. I mean shit, look at the stars they have on the team. On Paper, This team could just about fill EVERY Pro Bowl Spot (seriously); There Defense alone has NINE pro bowlers.
Not to mention a man named Ricky Williams, i wont even go there....(he'll most likely lead the NFL in rushing again). Jay Fiedler is looking hot, and he will shock a few people this yea (if he doesnt get hurt). Even the Offensive line is looking...
The only way that the Dolphins have a dissapointing season is if there are big injuries to key players (Ricky Williams, Jay Fieldler, Jason Taylor, or Zach Thomas, to name a few) or if Dave Wannstedt blows a few calls/game (like at the patriots last year)
Overall i think there is too much talent on this team...they are expected to win the division and be in the superbowl (Vegas gots them 6-1 favorites to win it all, best chance out of all NFL teams)
but thats just my opinion