Originally posted by Lebell
In all fairness to Smooth,
No, he has never stated that guns should be banned.
So for infering that, I appologize.
I would appreciate it if Smooth WOULD state his position on guns and gun control, as I have not been able to find it.
In the most general terms I am for *sensible gun control that attempts to balance public safety (in terms of both criminals ability to acquire guns and limiting accidental shootings) against our perceptions, rightly or wrongly, of what constitutes government encroachment into our private lives. I attempt to examine the needs of our society (to be free from harmful actions by both criminals and negligent citizens) along with the desires and fears of the general public. I am mindful that that gun registries could lead to confiscation, for example, and explore methods that would limit that possibility.
In more specific terms, while I am mindful of the beliefs that such measures might infringe on our personal liberties, I support utilizing technology to minimize risks. I am supportive of nanochip devices or biotechnology that preclude unauthorized firearm use, ballistics fingerprinting, and look forward to other innovative techniques on the horizon.
*What constitutes sensible ought to be defined by democratic debate. Polarization, appeals to fear, and ignorance do not allow people to focus on either the root causes of crime as well as alternative means of crime control.