Originally posted by smooth
Those of us who know what we are doing with statistical data examine other factors, such as, employment rates, cultural factors, crime trends, etc. along with weapon ownership to understand crime rates rather than claiming a single factor is responsible for patterns of crime.
The personal blindness to the arrogance of this statement (not to mention it's contradictory nature) along with
This Brush Off is a good example of why I addressed my previous post to you.
From what I've seen on this board, you typify the average person who wants to ban guns.
You throw out statistics and "facts" that are refuted and when you are called on it, you resort to reporting half stories and massaging data while claiming victory, or statements like, "Those of us who know what we are doing..." to attempt to reclaim your untenable position.
A perfect example is what you just said. You've just stated what gun proponents have been saying all along, that there are many factors involved in crime, not just guns. (This, btw, goes along perfectly with what I said in the other post about homicide rates in Switzerland vs. the US.)
Yet as sure as the sun will rise in the east, I'll bet you still feel like you're 'refuting' my position.
Tell me, are you practicing for politics?