Tire Pressure Problem....
Yesterday I purchased a 1999 white Mercury Cougar from my local Police Auction.
The car checked out fine by my mechanic who I brought with me at the time of my purchase. So I am thinking alright this offer is to good to pass up....
( There was only a turnout of about 50 people, and the cougar was the second-to-last car they brought out for auction, so maybe only 35 pepople left when bidding started. They started the bidding at ONLY $1500!!! I quickly offer $2,000 and to make a long story short I end up paying $2,700 for the vehicle!! )
Anyways, I recived the car last night after my credit cleared and everything and I went had an oil change done and put air in all of the tires...
This morning I decide to drive my new shiny car to work and on my way home the car feels as if it is riding low on air in the rear. I pull into the gas station and the air pressure in the rear pasenger side tire is at 23, when I had filled it to 32 the night before!!!!
I am thinking ok I just got a whole or a leak in the tire.. I drive to my mechanic he informs me the tire is in perfect working condition and he could not find anything that would cause that and suggest it could possibly be a bad rim.
What do you guys think?? I am not exactly car savy and I don't know to much about cars in general, Any ideas on what may have caused this?