My sympathies and strength go out to you Dub D.
I jumped into this late obviously and have noticed that I would agree with most of the thinking here. Tough love is the last, best answer. Unfortunately it seems to be the last option that you have here.
There's nothing that can really comfort you in the tragedy that is currently your son and no one (except another mother) can understand the pain in your heart. Unfortunately the best thing you can do for him is to endure and overcome that pain so that you can show him through that "tough love" that he needs to get himself up on his feet.
Sometimes you have to smack someone hard across the face in order to teach them something.
And I do not mean that litterally as I'm sure you've done that many times already. Or at least wanted to.
I think the best thing you could have done was to leave him in jail for him to learn what it's like to fend for hiself in one of the worst environments possible. Sure there's the danger that he'd get hurt or worse...but that's already the path he's chosen. Jail would have been a 'crash' course in what it's like and how real it all is.
In the end I hope that he shapes up enough to come back home and end the madness.
Good luck to your and your family Dub D.