dark and bath30, you two need to cuddle and fuck. get it over with. get rid of the tension!
mael: dude be careful: my sarcasm barely kept from knocking your head off about bling bling.
-- now for a bit of seriousness
for you guys who are truly worried about the affects on youth: tell me what you're involved in to help these kids.
big brother? mentor?
what is sad is lack of reality from fantasy for children who see and hear garbage (may it be Ice Cube or Cannibal Corpse). they see someone with money and pussy and such.
the only rap act I can think of who do not show off and act like they are the shit lately are The Roots. however, i've not watched videos in a few weeks.
if you dwell on the $$$ you will probably end up dealing because it is fast. the rappers always get away unless it's a self pity mellodrama in a prison.
poor kids. they see, drink, eat, breathe bullshit lies. it's sad.