Ok, England also has many neighbors. Have you ever been there? You can take a train through 4 or 5 countries without ever having your bags checked.
Here, they would risk getting caught and going to prison for a long time. Canada has pretty strict laws on buying a gun so I doubt someone is going to buy one there and bring it back. With this logic though we are pretty screwed because if it is that easy to get weapons in this country terrorist are going to have a field day. I have more faith in our border patrol than that.
This was purely hypothetical anyway. We as American's have the right to bare arms. No one is going to take that away. What should go away are people owning more than 2 or 3 guns. It should be harder to get a gun. Guns should be registered and put on a database. That database then could be checked if a stolen gun is found, sold or used in a crime. If your kids use your gun or a gun you purchased for them to kill someone, not only should they go to jail but you should too.
It is my opinion that American's do not need guns. Most of you are afraid and feel you need that for protection. The gun make's you feel powerful. What ever. Take a self-defense class and it does the something for you. Some of you are hunters. I do not call sitting 300 yards away in a bush, waiting for something living to walk by so you can shoot it hunting. Get a knife, go out in the woods, make your own bow and arrow, track down an animal by following its tracks and kill it for food. That is hunting in my opinion.