Originally posted by archer2371
Umm, yeah they can. You don't own that property, they do if you're leasing the property, they still technically own that property. Even people who don't own your house can tell you what you can and can't do to your home (Home Owner's Associations). You have to obtain permission to change something in a house that you're leasing or renting. If you own a house out in the woods with nobody around, and aren't part of an HOA then you can do basically anything you want within the limits of the law.
last time i checked, a lease is an agreement between the owner of property and the person looking to use that property. the contract between them states that the owner is responsible for general upkeep of the property, but otherwise has very little say about what goes on there except that which is explicitly stated in the contract. if you lease a house, you are essentially taking "temporary ownership" of the house. you are responsible for damages you cause. the actual owner has no say over what can be put there unless it is specifically stated in the contract. the leasee also can only modify things according to the lease agreement. so if it says "no nails in the walls" then you can't hang pictures using nails. but you have complete say over what pictures/posters you hang, as long as you don't damage the house while hanging them. as for homeowners associations, if you live in a place with one, when you buy the home you sign an agreement giving up certain rights, like what you can do with the outside of your house, landscaping, agreeing to keep the lawn mowed, etc. in exchange, everyone else contributes to keep the neighborhood looking good.
so no, being the owner of a leased property does not give you the right to say what's put there. you lose pretty much all rights of an owner except that which is explicitly stated in the contract between leaser and leasee.