Originally posted by chavos
Go find a video of the Tienamen square crackdown...the part with The Guy, and The Tank. Y'all know what i'm talking about. Watch that and record how you feel. Proud to be human, the same species as one so brave? Ashamed to be human, the same species as a person trying to crush freedom? What, pray tell, makes that scene so damn compelling? I posit that it is beleif that there is a natural law, that human beings desire freedom politically and socially. You can't rationally prove that. You can dance around the issue, talking about all the famous smart people who beleived in it, or the sheer numbers that believe in it, or some guy who predicted that it would occur. But you will have a damn hard time actually making a logical proof that there is such a faith in freedom as part of the human soul.
As a member of the Chinese Communist Party I feel that that guy is an idiot and DESERVES to be squashed. He has no right to demand freedom. The good of individual is secondary to the good of the collective.
There is no natural law. We don't all desire freedom politically and socially.
There is a social contract. We argree on societal rules and mores and are willing to give up freedom for the good of all.
This is not part of the human soul. There is no magical soul. It is a evolved set of rules and mores that have allowed humanity to survive and thrive.