Word of the day August 21
The Word of the Day for August 21 is:
obfuscate • \AHB-fuh-skayt\ • (verb) 1a. darken; b. to make obscure; 2. confuse
A little more information about today’s word:
The last syllable of "obfuscate" may sound like the "skate" in "ice skate," but the two aren't spelled the same way. How can you keep the correct spelling for "obfuscate" clear in your mind? The knowledge that the word traces to the Latin "fuscus," meaning "dark brown," may be of some help. The fact that "obfuscate" looks and sounds a little like "obscure" (although the two are etymologically distinct) might help too; both "obfuscate" and "obscure" can refer to concealing something or making it more difficult to see or understand. Or maybe alliterative devices are more your cup of tea. If that's the case, you can remember the "c" by recalling that "obfuscate" means to confuse, cloud over, or cover up.
My sentence (using definition #1b):
I thought Chad would give me a straightforward account of events, but instead he obfuscated the facts with evasive, misleading answers.
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 10th Edition.
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