.. eee - just to see how it looks on the other side ?
Life is bearable and somewhat painless to most people. But as only one in a million is superhappy, so is one in a million a sufferer. Physical pain, real or imagined; sadness, depression, hating the everyday actively...
The average human being has a set of automatic protection methods. Fantasy helps survive boredom, an otherwise lethal form of frustration.. Stress can be controlled by escaping into fantasy or directing one's concentration into art or entertainment. Also denying the truth: "Not true not true not true not MY daddy.." and even blocking tragical events out of one's memory is not just possible, but in constant use among the lucky average.
And - anyway, it is the chemical balance in our brain that determines how happy we FEEL or how devastated, and not the events that really happen to us. Events, tragic or fantastic, cause different reactions in different people's heads.
DO I HAVE A POINT AT ALL ? Yep. There are people whose brain protection mechanisms are not shielding them efficiently enough against reality. And there are people who suffer, however fantastic a life with baths in pink shampagne.
I understand with compassion if a sufferer decides not to wait untill they get out naturally. But sadly, giving up transfers a life-long depression into the family members. People who are not counting seconds and breaths day and nite, hoping all would end, can never understand. Just like I can not understand anyone who doesn't RUN every time they see a hotdog stand.