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Old 08-21-2003, 02:08 AM   #40 (permalink)
Practical Anarchist
Location: Yesterday i woke up stuck in hollywood
I Agree with what you are saying, and you bring up an excellent point. As Ive said I have no idea how to change things and we can't. Well we can't quickly anyway.

Originally posted by giblfiz

He is probably "just doing his job"

Exactly, What I mean by ego and the whole why an officer is better than me etc. is the fact they it takes a certian amount of ego to become an officer. They arn't put in that job by accident and at some point they must have said "I want to be a cop" So, My question was, why can they order me around, why are they more right then me? Which you answered as well as many other people answered, becuase it's there job.


The more interesting question is why is employed to tell you what to do, and where does the government get the power to grant him authority to tell you what to do.

That is a very interesting question, if the power comes from the job where does the job come from?

The short and super simple answer

And then you answered your own question better than I could...

As far as not wanting to participate, see source of power one. As far as this not being fare, just, moral or good, well address all complaints to god, cause that just seems to be how things are.
I wish we could change things the least I seem to be able to do is just have this opinion myself, and see where that takes me.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare

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