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Old 08-21-2003, 01:03 AM   #36 (permalink)
Practical Anarchist
Location: Yesterday i woke up stuck in hollywood

Well than you can choose where you live.

Well I CAN choose where I live, I am legal age, but it's all the same. I mean if there was some utpioan(sp?) country somewhere then you can bet I would be there. But there isn't, so all one can do is try to change what we have. Personally I have no idea how to do that and am trying things out. That's why I want to take police foundations so that I can try to see what it's like from the athoritative point of view

But countries are not based on "trade." Trade happens between cities as well as countries.

I was just using that as an example of one of the things that a country focus's on other than culture, culture is a good thing and really is the only good thing about a country. I like Canada I guess from what I've seen, but it's not worth dying for, a statement that will put many people off I can bet. Don't get me wrong we need the military for defence of ourselves, but I won't die for a government.


Ego isn't a bad thing either. If no one had any ego's, then we'd all be a bunch of pussies (no offense to anyone). You have an ego, I have an ego, everybody has an ego. How strong/big/much of one is different from person to person. For all you know, many cops could be the most humble people when not on duty, but they have to cop an ego (no pun intended) when on duty. If they walked around like a bunch of pushovers, they'd be percieved as weak and the criminal element in society would definatly take advantage of that. So would many non-criminal people.

This I think is where our opinions vary most I think. I'd much rather be humble, I don't think that the things I do are better than anyone else's becuase I've been wrong before and will be again, Human may be anything but one thing we do is make mistakes. Being proud of something you've done is one thing, but being proud in general is not a good thing, in fact it's a sin. Religion aside, just in my own head, I think that everyone is equal, that no one should hold authority over others.

To extend that, I think that there should be no possestions, if everyone shared everything then many many problems would be solved. Of course the first answer that comes to mind is greed, that greed with always always ruin a world like that.
But, in a world like that you would grow up in a very close community, and if you were to take more than your share you would be taking directly from someone who needs what you are takeing, and hopefully that would be enough to stop you. I think I would be, becuase the members of that community would teach the children about what is right and what is wrong, and let them choose. They probably would emluate thier parents and share.
Possestion is nine tenths of the law they say, get rid of possestions and get rid of the need for 9/10's of the law.

That was a long digression, what I was saying is that I think humbleness is more important than ego, of course I have one, everyone does, but I don't have a big one.

Well, I don't know how it works in the Great North. But in the States, you go to the police academy. Then you get posted to a station somewhere or something like that, i'm not 100% sure. an aquantince (sp?) of mine is starting at the detroit police acadamey sometime soon, i'll ask next time i see him. The acadamy is not college. The best comparison would be that it is a trade school. But many people go into the academy with a degree from a college/university. My buddy has one in Atheletic Training. Many have degrees in psychology or Criminal Justice and whatnot. But no, you can get in without a degree.

Alright cool, I have no idea how that works in the States, it doesn't really matter though I'll find out when I get there.


If you don't mind my asking, would you consider yourself an angry young man? I only ask cause it sounds to me that right now you have a beef with society and authority figures in general. I remember when you was your age and a little younger I was much different. I could be wrong though.

Angry? no, not really, I don't get mad very easily because I try to forgive as much as I can. Beef with society, define beef I guess, I think that there is a better way to do things, I think that todays society is spinning out of control, but I don't riot very often or hurt people , mainly I just want to do my own thing. Beef with authority figures, that I do have, I just don't like it, I never have, most of my personality probably stems from there, but again, not really in an angry way.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare

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