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Old 08-21-2003, 12:33 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: The Hell I Created.
Originally posted by YourNeverThere
Why? because I was born here? Because I reserched throughly where to be born and picked here? I think country's are stupid things in the first place, culture is what's important, not trade.

No, you didn't choose where your born. But you are a legal adult based on your age right? Well than you can choose where you live. If you don't want to be a Canadian anymore (i'm making that assumption based on your citizens arrest post) then leave the country and give up your citizen ship. You can think countries are stupid all you want. Won't stop them from existing. But countries are not based on "trade." Trade happens between cities as well as countries. Originally, countries (aka "city-states") were single cultures and the area they lived in. That's pretty much what a country still is. Sometimes, within the fixed borders of a country there are multiple cultures, which is definatly the case in the new world more so than, say, europe. But culture and countries are not the same. They're like apples and oranges. You don't have to like countries, but they have always been around in some form or another ever since man took up an agricultural lifestyle.

You say ego like its a good thing, ego is not not not a good thing, I don't want an ego and I try hard not to have one, to me 'earning' an ego is like earning a slap to the balls.

Ego isn't a bad thing either. If no one had any ego's, then we'd all be a bunch of pussies (no offense to anyone). You have an ego, I have an ego, everybody has an ego. How strong/big/much of one is different from person to person. For all you know, many cops could be the most humble people when not on duty, but they have to cop an ego (no pun intended) when on duty. If they walked around like a bunch of pushovers, they'd be percieved as weak and the criminal element in society would definatly take advantage of that. So would many non-criminal people.

What I meant by them having earned their ego is that cops have done the work, put in the long, hard hours and have every right to feel proud about themselves and think that they're the shit. And that's all an ego is, it's the thought that your the best.[/B]

It doesnt? at what point excatly does one become a cop, when they first walk into the station on that first day? or is it when they first make a bust? or when?

A cop becomes one when they've gone through the training, been officially hired and sworn in. Going through the training doesn't make you one. I can go to school and get a degree in Computer Science/Engineering, but until i get a job doing it, I'm not a computer engineer or programmer. If i get a job at mcdonalds with that degree, i'm a burger jockey, not a programmer. I've been trained as a programmer, but i don't work as one.

Since when are cops NOT college educated, I'm going to collage for my police foundations, I thought that is what everyone had to do.

Well, I don't know how it works in the Great North. But in the States, you go to the police academy. Then you get posted to a station somewhere or something like that, i'm not 100% sure. an aquantince (sp?) of mine is starting at the detroit police acadamey sometime soon, i'll ask next time i see him. The acadamy is not college. The best comparison would be that it is a trade school. But many people go into the academy with a degree from a college/university. My buddy has one in Atheletic Training. Many have degrees in psychology or Criminal Justice and whatnot. But no, you can get in without a degree.

If you don't mind my asking, would you consider yourself an angry young man? I only ask cause it sounds to me that right now you have a beef with society and authority figures in general. I remember when you was your age and a little younger I was much different. I could be wrong though.
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