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Old 08-20-2003, 10:36 PM   #34 (permalink)
Practical Anarchist
Location: Yesterday i woke up stuck in hollywood
Originally posted by Mael
a citizen of whatever country, you agree to abide by its rules and laws. police, as representatives, employees of said government, enforce the laws.
Why? because I was born here? Because I reserched throughly where to be born and picked here? I think country's are stupid things in the first place, culture is what's important, not trade.


are they better than you? based on your posts in this thread, i think they may be. they've all earned the ego they have (IMHO), while you haven't (as far as i know).

You say ego like its a good thing, ego is not not not a good thing, I don't want an ego and I try hard not to have one, to me 'earning' an ego is like earning a slap to the balls.

going through the training and buying a uniform and car doesn't make you a cop. and it won't give you the rights and responsibilities of one. they are the enforcers of our laws, and that makes their judegement right and their orders the law. we give them that power as a society. it's a tough job, someone has to do it.

It doesnt? at what point excatly does one become a cop, when they first walk into the station on that first day? or is it when they first make a bust? or when?

could you? i'd have to think no.

Thanks, good thing your not the one hiring me I guess...

many cops these days are college educated, and to get promoted to detective these days its almost necessary (or so i hear).

Since when are cops NOT college educated, I'm going to collage for my police foundations, I thought that is what everyone had to do.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare

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