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Old 08-20-2003, 10:00 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: The Hell I Created.
Originally posted by YourNeverThere

Right, so, it's there job, you are saying excatly what everyone else is saying. I can't understand that argument, anyone could get that job. What would happen if I got all the training that a cop gets, put on the uniform, buy a cop car and paint it, and go around telling people what to do?

So basicly what you are saying is that the cop, when doing the cop job, is better then the law, why is that? I still don't know, I dont understand why just wearing a uniform makes someone judgement right, or makes there orders the law.
not anyone can get the job. people definatly wash out. as a member of society, a citizen of whatever country, you agree to abide by its rules and laws. police, as representatives, employees of said government, enforce the laws. so waht if most cops have egos? most professional athletes and celebrities have egos. are they better than you? based on your posts in this thread, i think they may be. they've all earned the ego they have (IMHO), while you haven't (as far as i know). whether you like how they work or not, whether you like the laws they enforce or not, it doesn't matter. if you don't like it, leave. it's that simple. going through the training and buying a uniform and car doesn't make you a cop. and it won't give you the rights and responsibilities of one. they are the enforcers of our laws, and that makes their judegement right and their orders the law. we give them that power as a society. it's a tough job, someone has to do it. could you? i'd have to think no. could I? hell no. many cops these days are college educated, and to get promoted to detective these days its almost necessary (or so i hear). some may do the job because they like the power, others do it for more personal reasons. some cause they want to serve and help others. you may not like them, you don't have to. but you do have to listen to them, like it or not.
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