Materials: coarse brush to remove dust/dirt, clean cloths, acrylic-free shoe cream that contains wax and matches your shoes, brush or cloth to apply the cream, and a brush to polish it once you're done
Step 1: Dry shoes completely, brush off dirt, do not use water.
Step 2: Apply cream polish with brush or cloth evenly and as close to the sole as you can get it. If the sole is the same color, apply the polish there, too. Let the cream soax in and dry.
Step 3: Use the shining brush to stroke briskly back and forth over the entire surface of the shoe to remove excess polish. Use a lint-free cloth (or pantyhose) if necessary after brushing.
Now, for the spit-shine.
When I say to spit, you can either use a plant mister, or do it the real way, by spitting (not loogies, a 'pfft' will work perfectly)
The best cloth for this is the type you can get at the grocery store with yellow fabric and red thread around the edge. Only use Kiwi polish, and you'll get the best result.
Stretch your cloth over your finger, so that there will be no wrinkles between the pad of your finger and the shoe. Dip your finger lightly into the in of polish, getting a small, manageable amount on the cloth.
Now, spit on the shoe like I told you to, so there's a fine mist on the surface. If you don't want to spit on your shoe, you can touch the cloth and polish to your tongue (do not swallow it, you're not dumb) and use that.
Polish, starting at the toe, in small less than-one-inch circles, until the swirls start to disappear. Only apply more polish to the shoe when you can see the fibers of the cloth through the polish. When it starts to shine witha rainbow, like a puddle of gasoline, you're halfway there.
Once it's as smooth as it will get, give it a bit of time to dry, then start the process again. Keep doing this as many times as it takes to make any scratches, scuffs, or marks disappear.
Once you have a smooth surface, it's time to get that mirror shine. Basically, to achieve this shine, reduce the amount of polish you use each time until you're using more spit than polish, do that a couple of times, and you'll be all ready to head out into combat or your local fetish club.