This is more work, but its pretty cheap.
I took an old p2 350 system w/ 128M ram, updated the bios to support large drives (60G). Popped in an ethernet card, and let <a href="" target="_blank">knoppix</a> run off the CD drive. I formatted the drive with fat 32 (for compatability) and setup samba under knoppix. Since the os runs off the cd/memory, I can use the entire drive for files. Makes it easier to add it to a windows system if I need to later on.
A bonus: If you set up your network correctly you can ssh files remotely (from work or your friends house) into your file server.
A caveat: Some knowledge of linux helps...but you can try knoppix w/o installing anything. If you don't like it, eject the disc and reboot.
Last edited by Cocktopus; 08-20-2003 at 05:51 PM..