Originally posted by Lebell
As I have about 4 minutes to answer this before I must leave, I'll be brief.
Your logical flaw is in point 1)There is no evidence for the existance of God.
The best you can say, is there is no scientific evidence. There IS experiential and annectdotal evidence, which can never be reproduced under controlled conditions, as can scientific evidence.
And with that, I am off to class.
oooh evidence. Now we're talking. Please enlighten me.
BTW, the following are not edvidence.
1. I just
know it. I can't explain it, i just do.
2. I have felt God's presence.
3. One time, I was really depressed, and I turned to God for guidence, and then I got better.
4. Joe Smith saw a "vision".
5. The bible predicted stuff.
6. There is historical evidence that Jesus and Mary and Joeseph probably existed.
7. you get the picture...
EDIT: The above list was not really aimed at you Lebell. I trust you to be able to come up with some intelligent arguments. It was more aimed at some other posters, who may be a little more liberal with what one may define as "evidence".