Originally posted by Marius1
Eh? Religion and logic don't go together anyway. Never have, never will. You are talking fish on a bicycle there.
That is not true.
You are confusing the process of logical thought with the overall discussion of whether religion (particular Christianity) is viable way to discuss reality.
For example, Biblical theologens (including some atheists) have concluded that it is reasonable to conclude that the person of Jesus actually existed as opposed to being a midrashic creation of the early church.
This was done by a systematic study of the bible and other texts along with historical knowledge of ancient Palestine and the Roman empire.
All very logical.
The problem with this thread is that it is ranging all over, with people asking others to "prove God" and "prove the Bible" along with a sprinkling of absurd strawman arguements (the Flat Earth discussion) and other logical falicies (if a lot of people believe something, it must be true).
In otherwords, since the thread has too wide a scope, people are basically throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, into the discussion, making it meaningless.