Originally posted by Greg700
I guess they never thought of just shooting through the glass?
Shooting through the glass probly wouldnt accomplish much. I read on some gun physics website ages ago, when firing a bullet through glass, it usually goes anywhere but strait. The bullet spinning at high velocities will "bounce" off the shattering glass at an angle, from what I read.
Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
The hollow point one reminded me of this. Cop shows and media in general - the insinuation that Teflon-coated 'cop killer' bulets somehow magicalls slide through body armor.
This is somewhat true. The teflon coating does nothing to help penetrate armor, but instead protects the barrel of the gun, as these 'cop killer' bullets are usually a rougher material, such as steel.
Originally posted by Lebell
I'd have to look up mag capacity, but I'm betting the DE you're talking about is chambered for either .44 mag or .357 mag (the other two calibers a Desert Eagle comes in.)
True, but his was .50, remember? =) 7 round capacity. The .44 and .357 are 8 and 9 capaicity, respectively.
http://www.magnumresearch.com =)