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Old 08-20-2003, 12:48 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: The Hell I Created.
Originally posted by Lebell
Everyone else stated it well, but here is something else to remember:

A cop doesn't usually deal with "Joe Average", he/she usually deals with rapists, drunks, wife/husband beaters, etc. etc. ad naseum.

Or as one cop put it to me, they get jaded because they deal with scum all day long.

So you might remember that the next time one seems to have an attitude.
even the traffic cops have to just put up with assholes all day. everyone wants the police to be there to protect/help them, but as soon as you get pulled over for speeding, how dare he!!! you were just trying to go home, going with the flow of traffic (at 15 over the speed limit), you were doing nothing wrong! why's he hassling you? and a good, nice guy that that cop could be immediatly becomes an asshole on a powertrip because he pulled YOU over. even if he really isn't.

Originally posted by YourNeverThere
Personally I didnt ask any officer to tell me what to do, I pay as little taxes as I can just like anyone else and try to avoid fines. Sounds to me like most people so far have deciede that humans are basicly bad, that most people will hurt others as much as they can, that most people will run wild without law. That may be I guess but its hard for me to assume that everyone is intrinsically bad deep down inside. I think thats what makes me an anarchist more than any other reason really.
1) by continuing to live in the society you do, you are de facto telling them to do their job. if you don't like it, get out.

2) humans are basically bad. not evil or anything, but we will put ourselves and our families before others every time when we are put to the choice. if there were no laws and police, a man would steal bread and other necessities from someone else in order to feed himself and his family even if it meant letting that other person starve.
3) as far as i know, anarchy has nothing to do with believing in the good/bad nature of humans. it's belief that govt. is bad in all forms and people should basically live by the laws of nature.
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