Well, so far we've had The pensioners, the arseholes, nukie, and the thieves..
(For you non english its - Chelsea, Arsenal, Newcastle, and Liverpool in that order

Well for a big team thats doing shite, I'm not too sure about the upcoming season.
Chelsea - Do they have too much $$?
Arsenal - So close so often!
Newcastle - Dark Horses, Great manager, shame about the team. PS: Will they ever let mr. boring go paint his fence?
Liverpool - Gerrard is going to an early grave.
My Team - Could be ok, but they are pure shite, at least we are starting the season where we left it (bottom).
I'm an Aston Villa supporter btw. All shots welcome (unless your a birmingham town supporter).
EDIT: oops got the order wrong first time. Fixed it now!
Dbl Edit:
What do you think of Rio and Terry in the central defense? (lets ignore James for the time being). They have been all over the shop tonight IMHO.