Let me give you some advice, from someone who was kicked out due to low grades, so I know what not to do.
- Like everyone said, GO TO CLASS. That simple.
- Do all of your work, and in plenty of time before it is due.
Those were my biggest problems. I skipped classes everyday, and often didn't due work until the morning it was due, when I did it.
- Find friends wherever you can.
The best thing to do is keep your door open all the time while you are there. You would be suprised how many people will just walk in and introduce themselves.
- Find groups that interest you, and join as many as possible
I worked for the campus radio station on and off for my two years, and it was my favorite part of college, outside of several athetic memories.
Finally, do what you want to do. If you can get there somehow, go. If you enjoy doing something, do it. Even better, find a club that does it. Or even create your own, as most schools have ways you can do that easily, and often with school money.
Basically, enjoy your time there, and remember that you are spending SOMEBODY'S money to be able to go, so never forget your real reason to be there; graduate.
"Final thought: I just rented Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Frankly, it was the worst sports movie I've ever seen."
--Peter Schmuck, The (Baltimore) Sun