hmmmm. . . read my post a little further up, I'm pitting a tournament trained knight against a samurai. And while not the same Samurai and Knights were similar in that they were usually upper class nobility. My assumption that Samurai would be better trained in swordplay than a knight comes from my rationale in my previous post where sacrificing defense for offense you better be pretty sure your offense is damn good. Simply put as a Samurai you have a lightweight armor usually made from wood, or occasionally (sorry my spelling is a little poor) metal, however it is in no way comparable to a knights tournament armor where almost their entire body is encased in metal. Now of course their are a hundred different variations you can use in pitting your two warriors against each other. But for the sake (hehe sake` ^_^) of argument I'm using a knight and samurai at the height of their popularity.
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.