you can try to make a hidden folder with the attrib command
create a folder called test in the root directory, and create a folder named whatever you want uder that. Then drop to a command prompt and type the following:
attrib +r +a +s +h c:\test\*.* /s /d
go back to the desktop and open my comuter and the c drive
the test folder may or may not be there. If not actually go to the address bar and type c:\test
If it is there, go into the folder and type the same thing in the address bar (c:\test\whatever you named the folder). It should now be visible. You can move this folder anywhere you want and no one will know it is there. The olny reason to make a folder in a folder is that attrib sometimes has problems with just "attrib"ing a folder, so you attrib the whole directory and everything underneath it in the directory structure. This can cause a problem if done in a folder with actual data in it. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll try and think of something else.
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. -- A. Whitney Brown