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Old 08-20-2003, 10:04 AM   #15 (permalink)
Practical Anarchist
Location: Yesterday i woke up stuck in hollywood
Originally posted by JumpinJesus
IA citizen's arrest is just as binding as a police arrest,
Not really, citizens arrest, well in Canada anyway, only works when you eather see the person commit a serious crime, or see someone steal your things. Other than that a citizens arrest doesn't do much.
So, basicly what everyone is saying, is that we make the laws, then the police enforce them because we ask them, becuase we train and hire then. Some of there money comes from us, well it all does but only some if it through taxes, the rest through fines. Personally I didnt ask any officer to tell me what to do, I pay as little taxes as I can just like anyone else and try to avoid fines. Sounds to me like most people so far have deciede that humans are basicly bad, that most people will hurt others as much as they can, that most people will run wild without law. That may be I guess but its hard for me to assume that everyone is intrinsically bad deep down inside. I think thats what makes me an anarchist more than any other reason really. I follow the laws alot more than many of the non-anarchist people I know becuase I think that deep down I'm basicly a good person and that most law's are good ones. It's sounds like such a shock when people say "I'm going to follow what laws I want and not the others that I want" becuase all our lives we've heard that from various sources and each time it's put down and the message "You can't just pick and choose what you want to follow" is slammed home as the right one. I don't think it is, I don't pretend to know what sort of political system we should be useing but for me democrocy just isn't working. I mean, in essence, we are supposed to be making the rules, I'm nineteen, been voting age for two years, and the laws are the same and will for a long time, the system is so slow, and all encompassing, that when a law stops fully applying to one citizen in a domocratic society that that law can't be changed. One citizen doesn't sound that bad, but it builds up and up untill thier are a number of laws that don't apply to a number of people. I didn't ask the police to police myself, other people have asked them to, becuase they have deicied that I am intrinsitcally bad and need someone with a gun to make sure that I dont hurt them.
p.s. I wonder what baaa said.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare

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